Rating Fatrapark
02.04.2012p.Domžal - Opava
We were with you for three years as a business partner and we were extremely satisfied with both the accommodation and the friendliness and helpfulness of its staff and withsurroundings, so we have taken to your facility where the possibilities of short walks and interesting excursions available time.
20.10.2011Peter CMORIK BAND - Superstar
Our accommodation used also Superstar winner Peter Cmorík, which in our country with his band spent a few nights. The fact that they were satisfied with us proved by the fact that we have extended the stay. Thank you Petr for signature and dedication. I recommend you see: www.cmoro.sk/20.10.2011Pedagogická fakulta UKF
Thank you and we look forward to your stay with. Doc. Mgr. Silvia Pokrivčáková, PhD. Department lingvodidaktiky and Intercultural Studies Faculty UKF Nitra20.10.2011Lenka
Hello! We would like to thank you for a wonderful stay with you. We had a nice experience and we enjoyed relaxing enough. Your willingness and readiness of personnel is very high, as well as accommodation and an environment where you are. The future certainly will use your services again!20.10.2011Robo
Hello, I want to thank you for that, I could have you practice, you were all super, and I will miss it :) Too bad it did not last for more practice: D Thank you for everything.20.10.2011c Mendrek
We were with you last year and we liked very much. We look forward to Good bye. Czeslaw20.10.2011Redbull s.r.o.
Hello, I also want to thank you for pleasant accommodation, yet I have heard from colleagues only praise itself :) Thank you, Regards Anna Kovacova20.10.2011Redbull česká republika
Hello sir Jeleník, I join my colleague Annie Kováčová very well thank you for your cooperation and I hope that in future you arrange some other action. Thank you very much and wish you a beautiful day and a successful winter season. Ondra Pastrňák Red Bull Ceska republika s.r.o.20.10.2011jana
We were with you over spring break. Accommodation was amazing. The beautiful facilities, a great staff. :-) Thank you very20.10.2011 Roland Makata
We were with you at Easter .. We spent 4 nights in beautiful perfektnom accommodation with friendly staff. Thanks for nice holidays in your environment.19.10.2011M.Veselá a Dr. H.Wilke
Hello, we were staying in your apartment house Fatrapark nad we enjoyed much with you. Accommodation was good, and your nature charmed us. We had a nice day and we have very pleasant memories. We once again thank your receptionist Mrs. Martine Littvové, which has always been very nice and well-informed and advised us in our plans for trips around the neighborhood. We wish you much success and we will definitely recommend Greetings from Mariánských Lázní M.Veselá a Dr. H.Wilke19.10.2011Perntovi z Pohořelic u Brna
Hello, I would like to thank you for spending a pleasant holiday in Fatrapark ¨ 1st, nice environment, clean apartments, we were with you twice, then in August and September, and I would like to thank the friendly staff, pronouns receptionist Mrs. Martine Littvové and Mrs. Janka Slaná for a good breakfast and pleasant staff. Thank you Perntovi z Pohořelic u Brna12.09.2011Vlastimil Pernt
We were with you from 14.08 to 18.8 2011 and we were pleasantly surprised with the order over the net with Ms. Simona Uhrinovovu that helped us with the execution of orders. Apartments tidy, clean, concierge service ready, beautiful surroundings with hiking and bathing in the nearby thermal spa Lucky, Bešeňová. Thank you Perntovi12.09.2011Mercure Bratislava Centrum
Hi, I would like to thank for pleasant accommodation and services provided by your staff during this weekend in your accomodation facility Fatrapark. Martin Kovarský Executive Chef12.09.2011p.Krečmerová
good evening, we look forward to you .... I got it on the recommendation of friends and were extremely satisfied with the greeting Krečmerová12.09.2011Turisti Morava
Good day. I want to thank you for the wonderful accommodation and friendly staff. We were very satisfied and hope to expand your clientele. regards Jara Glozar.12.09.2011M. Poláková
Ladies and management of apartment house Fatra Ružomberok! Our last year's stay in your equipment was very successful, and in the future, certainly not given to the possibility you either spend a weekend or a week. While I remain with best regards and wish for my entire family of slick season Mária Poláková01.09.2011Hubinska M.
As we went around Hrabovska valley for a long time, we were very happy, we enjoyed hiking. Accommodation in a beautiful mountain area, despite the proximity of the city, the lake has its own charm. Order and cleanliness, apartment was suitable, large enough advantage was the balcony. We were very pleased and will certainly come back even in a short time