Liptov offers a wide range of hiking through the convenient location and varied natural beauty. Visitors can choose from a wide variety of challenging hiking trails.
- Hrabovská valley 0 km
Walking tour to Hrabovska valley with possibility of swimming in the tank Hrabovska, boating, easy hike to Malino Brdo, exit option at the top cableway Malino Brdo, a beautiful view of Mala Fatra, Veľká Fatra, Choč Mountains, High and Low Tatras, a nice variation to it may be also visit Liptovsky chalet
- Čutkovská valley 3,5 km
Is one of the most beautiful valleys of Great Fatra. Bathing, hunting, picking mushrooms are available. Undemanding walk (suitable for children) through the valley.
- Liptovské sheep farms - purchase of sheep producst
SHEEP FARM KRAJINKA is located in a charming environment of Liptov fold where you can experience mountain farming. There is a wooden chalet, you can see sheep lactation, production of sheep´s whey, cheese and you can also buy original sheep cheese and various kinds of sheep cheese.
- Salatín Hill 1630m - 22 km
Salatín hill is located in the area of the National park Low Tatras. It is considered to be the hill with the best view in Slovakia. You can get there through Ludrovská valley (10 km long) where you can see various karstic phenomena. (f.e., caves, springs)
- Choč Mountain 1611m
Climbing Choč mountain (1611 m) is one of the unforgettable tours. It is a medium-demanding trial, beginning from Jánošíkova krčma (inn), where Juraj Jánošík was caught according to traditions. After a 2.5 km climbing you have an all round view of Liptov and Orava scenery. (Nízke Tarty,Roháče,Malá a Velká Fatra).
- Šíp mountain and Podšíp cottage - 9 km
It is a medium demanding climb to Šíp - rocky hill (1169 m) with a nice view of Váh and Orava valley. Going back you can visit mounatin cottage called Podšíp, which is well known for its folk architecture.
- Prosiecka a Kvačianska Valley - 22 km
Kvačianska valley was declared Natural Reservation and, together with Prosiecka valley, belong to the nicest valleys in Slovakia. Joining the two valleys into one tour we get one of the most popular trips in Liptov. In Kvačianska valley there are two original water-mills with working technology. Prosiecka valley attracts the visitors because of its educational path. It is well known because of its rocky canyons, waterfalls, Sokol ravine and rocky shelves.
- Trlenská Valley
Trlenská Valley and near the valley Šepková belonging to the land
Ruzomberok, and are found in Veľká Fatra at the turn of the road and Biely Potok Vlkolíncom belong to interesting sites and leisure zones, in which city dwellers, however, if you do not chat, rarely get lost. In doing so, this is an area where there are extraordinary natural creations, beautiful solitary meadows, bike trail, large cottage area, and even a unique object Jesuit villa, built in an unusual place.
Rafts- Orava rafting 22 km
Rafting - romance today, once the hard calluses our grandfathers. For centuries, the raft down the Orava was carrying primarily lumber, hay, corn, ceramics, canvas, rocks, wood shingles. For sightseeing cruises are offered to you a unique views of the Orava Castle and return for a moment in time. Cruise the upper limit of the Orava Podzámok 1 hour - capacity 12 osôb.
Order: May, June, September, October, by order, July, August 9:00 to 17:00 pm.
Ordering: +421 911 358 182 +421 905 358 182
Rafts - Vah rafting 35 km
For sightseeing romantic journey you are presented with a unique
views of the ruins of the Old Castle and the famous castle Strečno. The cruise lasts 1 hour - a raft capacity is 12 persons. Operation: May, June, September, October, by order, July, August.
CAVES - 32 km
We recommend all tourist classes to visit the world-known caves - CAVE OF LIBERTY - belongs to the top ten of the nicest caves in Europe. It is the biggest and most beautiful of 30 caves in Demänovský kras (karst). Length 7 km - 2 km accessible to the public. There are various manycolour stalactic formations and the underground flow of the Demänovka river. There are also numerous underground lakes and unique sinter water lilies and it is great at richness in stalagmite formations.
- Ice cave
It is 1,750 m long. Ice filling occurs in the lower parts of the cave. Ice filling exists in the form of ground ice, ice pillars, ice stalagmites and stalactites. A finding place of cave bear and other vertebrates bones which were considered to be the bones of dragons in the middle of the 18th century. The cave has been known since time immemorial.
- Važecká cave 38 km
It is located in the eastern part of Low Tatras, 530 m long with stalactites, stalagmites and sinter lakes. The cave is one of the most important winter refuges of bats-Myotis mystacinus and Myotis brandti in Slovakia.
- Liskovská cave - 6 km
Not far from Ružomberok lies the top of Mních by the name known throught
the neighhborhood, which since ancient times all sorts of rumors Liskovska-jaskyna
circulating in the mouth of the people. Namely, talked to shepherds found on this mountain caves, where they supposedly hidden
treasures big red monks (Templars), from which the moutain itself
received its name.The first amount of those legends testifies to during the summer when actually appeared in the top of a large cave, one wing is 77 fathoms long, even thought it penetrates deep inside the moutain, but so far no one dared to
continue ...not open to the public, but around the cave offers an opportunity for a wonderful and easy trip for family.
Habakuky Lost Paradise for your Kids!!!
Beautiful old folk tale in which today children slowly forget revived! Prepare your children a unoque expirience. Habakuky are only place in Slovakia, where there was a project Dobšinského, that builds on traditional Slovak fairly tales. In Habakuk the daily re-wake up zmagic of beautiful folk tales represented with by actors and again to revive the old crafts. Your children will take care corps of animators who have them prepare a memorable program.
Spend your free time comfortably. Authenticity fabulous site gives your trip a unique atmosphere. Princess and the king can become anyone, regardless of its age. Conjure for your family a wonderful, unforgettable experience, which is combined with a visit to Habakkuk. Regret it!